Blue Basalt
POWERS: Heru (ancient Egyptian name) / Horus (Greek name), represented a falcon or falcon-headed man wearing a double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, was the god of the sky, kingship, justice and war. Horus was one of the most important and oldest gods in Ancient Egypt. The job of Horus was to protect the pharaoh and Egyptians in their daily lives and was considered to be a powerful guardian against evil forces. Horus was the model of kingship, embodying the qualities of order, strength, wisdom and protection. Horus was also associated with spiritual vision, which was believed to allow him to see and understand the deeper spiritual aspects of reality. He was often depicted with a third eye, which symbolized his ability to see beyond the physical world and into the realm of the gods. Horus was believed to have the ability to see into the future, and was often consulted for divination purposes. There’s a deep connection between the Ancient Egypt and pottery. Khnum, the god of fertility, was praised for bringing life to the womb, to the harvest fields, and life even to other deities. He was called the “Divine Potter” as it was believed he formed babies from clay, placing them into their mother’s womb. The Ancient Greek legend says that Prometheus made humans of clay and Athena breathed life into them. The Bible says the first man Adam was created when ""Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
H: 7”, W: 2”, D: 2 1/2”, H: 6”, W: 1 1/2”, 3 1/2”, H: 5 1/4", W: 1 1/4", D: 2 1/2"
Each product is lovingly handcrafted by skilled artisans in the heart of Luxor, Egypt, making every design a true one-of-a-kind treasure. Created from locally sourced, natural materials, these pieces embrace their unique imperfections, celebrating the authenticity of both the materials and the craftsmanship. We use no synthetic materials, such as plastics, to preserve the pure, high vibrational energy inherent in every creation. Before shipping, each item is energetically cleared and purified, ensuring it reaches you ready to support your spiritual journey.